Compare and contrast Milhaud?s usage of early jazz and blues with that of Ravel. To support your response, you should refer in detail to TWO works by each composer

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August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
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Compare and contrast Milhaud?s usage of early jazz and blues with that of Ravel. To support your response, you should refer in detail to TWO works by each composer

Topic: Compare and contrast Milhaud?s usage of early jazz and blues with that of Ravel. To support your response, you should refer in detail to TWO works by each composer (i.e. a total of four works).

I want to start the essay with a quote that related to jazz music and analyze it. this quote I want to base on the history of jazz music so I will have a good introduction on it. Then I want to discuss general on jazz elements on Milhaud’s and Ravel’s music and then analyze 2 pieces of each one. For Milhaud I chose these pieces of music : l’ homme et son desie, la creation du monde and for Ravel : sonata for violin and piano, l’enfant et les sortileges. For conclusion write about the common elements of jazz in these 4 pieces. Moreover, I would like you to use some sentences from the books which are related to the pieces and explain them but to the bottom of the page write from where had been taken.   for bibliography i want surely to include: –>  –>’enfant_et_les_sortilèges  –>  –>Priest, Deborah, “Louis laloy (1874-1944) on Debussy, Ravel and Stravinsky”, (Aldrerhot, England, Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, c1999)  –>Larner, Gerald, Maurice Ravel (London: Phaidon, 1996)  –>—– (ed.), Ravel Studies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). –>—– (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ravel (Cambridge: –>Cambridge University Press, 2000) HD [3 copies, 2 on HD]  The Cambridge companion to Ravel / edited by Deborah Mawer.  Publisher/Year New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000.  –>- – -(ed.), “The New Groove Dictionary of Jazz”, second edition, 3 vols. (London: Macmillan, 2002)  –>Collaer, Paul, “Darius Milhaud”, (San Francisco, CA: San Francisco, Press 1988)  –>Hodeir, Andre, “Jazz, Its Evolution and Essence”, (Grove Press, inc. New York)  –>Kernfeld, Barry, “What to Listen for in Jazz”, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1995)  –>Mawer, Deborah, “Darius Milhaud: Modality and Structure in Music of the 1920s”, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997)  –>Meltez, David, “Reading Jazz”, (San Francisco: Mercury House, 1993)

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