Communication Theories

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Communication Theories

Communication Theories

Griffin in the 7th edition of his book has incorporated many new ideas and new communication theories such as the agenda setting theory and the communication accommodation theory. All these theories are part and parcel of the world of communication and they are fundamental to the existence and constant improvement of communication
Of all the many theories covered, the most fundamental and most powerful theory is that of interpersonal theory. This is because this theory tries to incorporate the attitudes and behaviours of human beings and that is generally what communication is all about (Griffin, 2010). This theory also analyzes the various ways in which interpersonal communication is important. Since, it is from it that we get the basis of communication. Interpersonal communication links and unites all the other theories of the book.
It also talks of the interpersonal deception theory and how certain people engage in acts that violate expectations made by others (Griffin, 2010). Others can take advantage of this vulnerability and convert it into news which is biased. Such communicators should maintain proper ethics. Falsifying information or concealing it, are ways through which deception may cloud proper communication channel (Griffin, 2010).
This approach in dealing with communication is the most correct and ethical way of doing things and yet it still incorporates majority of the other theories in the book. For instance, it incorporates the theories of agenda setting, anxiety/uncertainty management theory and the expectancy violations theory. All these theories are similar since they all portray ethical interactions, moral obligations and social inhibitors of communication. These are factors hinder effective communication.
Griffin, E. (2010). A First Look at Communication theory (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers.

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