Column: Iranian nukes? No worries
Column: Iranian nukes? No worries.
Kenneth Waltz is a leading research scholar at the Institute of War and Peace. In his article, “Iranian nukes? No worries” Waltz highlights the concern in the development of nuclear weapons in Iran. Kenneth maintains that Iran should continue with its nuclear activities as a means to restore permanence in the Middle East. Waltz asserts that the talks by the European Union and the United States in response to Iran’s nuclear activities would instigate diplomacy together with sanctions aimed at persuading Iran to ditch its pursuit of nuclear weapon (Waltz, 2012). In his view, Waltz asserts that imposing sanctions in Iran in efforts of making the country abandon its nuclear activities cannot discourage the country from continuing with its activities. Waltz cites examples of North Korea, which continued and succeeded in developing its nuclear weapons notwithstanding immeasurable sanctions from major powers and United Nations Security Council resolutions. Even though Waltz provides reasonable views with respect to development of nuclear weapon in Iran, his views are misleading and lack basis.
If Iran believes that its security relies on developing nuclear weapons, sanctions imposed by major powers will do little to change the attitude of the nation in developing nuclear weapons (Waltz, 2012). This assertion is unfounded given that sanctions affect a country economy in the sense that the country cannot import or export products from other nation. Furthermore, Waltz claims that by allowing Iran to develop and tests its desired nuclear weapons; the country will fulfill its domestic political requirements through making hardliners understand that the country can enjoy the advantages of possessing a bomb without the negative aspects. While Waltz believe that developing nuclear weapons is beneficial as it will reinforce and restore stability in the Middle East, his argument is unconvincing because developing and testing nuclear weapons is not an adequate deterrent and will instigates instability in the region.
Israel confirms that developing of nuclear weapons in Iran is an unacceptable risk. This is because people do not expect any rational action to come from an Islamic Republic (Waltz, 2012) In this regard, Waltz view are impractical and misleading. This is because if Iran succeeds in developing its nuclear weapons; it will jeopardize stability in the Middle East. Waltz is does acknowledge the fact that successful development of nuclear weapons will instigate insecurity in the Middle East. It is evident that Israel maintains that it will continue with its dangerous efforts of destabilizing Iran’s nuclear program by assassination and sabotage. One wonders if such threats by Israel in event that Iran achieves its nuclear development will enhance security in the Middle East or will increase instability in the region. While such efforts are aimed at allowing Iran to understand that its breakout ability is not an adequate deterrent and that only weaponization can enhance its security, Waltz fails to notice that such efforts will destroy peace and stability in the Middle East. Iran is an existential menace to Israel and this will make the upshot of its successful nuclear development unacceptable. Instead of nuclear development restoring stability in the Middle East, it will instead bring disharmony and increased attacks in the region.
Waltz believes that the assertion by major powers that successful development of nuclear weapons will bring unacceptable upshots in the Middle East is not feasible (Waltz, 2012). He further ascertains that nuclear development in Iran will put to remission the disproportions in military power an aspect that will ensure more international and regional stability. His views, nonetheless, are impractical and unsubstantiated because development of novel nuclear states will only increase international and regional security risks. This is in the view of the fact that, regional nuclear monopoly enjoyed in Israel, which has demonstrated its durability for over four decades, has instigated volatility in the Middle East.
According to Waltz (2012), Israel armory triggers the desire to develop nuclear weapon in Iran to ensure military power balance. This illogical and baseless statement offers no solution to the problem of nuclear activities in Iraq. Waltz must understand that the military power balance is unachievable through development of risky weapon. In fact, development of dangerous weapon will not only destabilize the Middle East but the entire world. This action will only create chaos and disharmony in the region while the two countries test their military might against each other. Moreover, Iran record of misbehavior in the international arena is questionable. Its regime is irrational and this will create instability in the region if the. It is true that Iran nuclear development aims at enhancing its offensive abilities against Israel.
While successful nuclear development in Iran will be alarming, it is possible that it is containable and deterred. This is because leadership is not unreliable and frightening in all parts of Iran but in some such as Tehran. Moreover, it is not apparent that the Iranian Leaders would want to commit national suicide if they successfully develop nuclear weapons. The Iranian people are not inexperienced that they cannot understand the upshots of using nuclear weapon against their neighbors in the Middle East. However, it will be impossible to handle Iran if it succeeds with its nuclear activities. Iran will probably use its nuclear achievements to damage Israel. The country can put its security at risky and commit national suicide for the pleasure of seeing Israel and its major enemies and rivals, down.
The Iranian regime is unreliable and holds radical ideology. In this regard, if Iran attains its nuclear development, it will spectacularly alter the geostrategic view of the Middle East. Moreover, its nuclear achievement will prompt provincial nuclear propagation and the country will become an umbrella for Islamists actions. Allowing regions such as Tehran to enjoy nuclear powers will make the regions to become more aggressive and augment their support for terrorism. This will not only jeopardize regional stability, but also create security concerns and instability in the international arena.
In conclusion, nuclear activities in Iran will not only affect stability in the Middle East but in the entire world. Waltz’s article offers an interesting analysis of nuclear activities in Iran. However, his arguments are unsound, unimpressive and baseless and they fail to provide a solution to the current situation facing the Middle East and the entire world.
Waltz, K. (2012). Column: Iranian nukes? No worries. Retrieved from bomb-israel-proliferation/55654248/1.