Collecting and Analyzing Quantitative Data

August 3, 2017
Integrating End of Seminar Project
August 3, 2017
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Collecting and Analyzing Quantitative Data

Collecting and Analyzing Quantitative Data

Most of you have probably not picked quantitative methodology and methods for your research but it is important for you to know what is available and how you would use this methodology and related methods. So imagine that you have decided to gather quantitative data. Be sure to use the readings as guides and resources to think this through. It is important that you cite at least two of the readings in your post. You will need to look through the readings to find the information about quantitative data.


• Identify methods for gathering quantitative data

• Match options for analyzing quantitative data with methods for gathering data

• Describe how quantitative data can support social work and social justice practice

• Describe the challenges and concerns surrounding the use of quantitative data in social work research


PART A: Quantitative Data and Social Work Research

Provide answers to the following:

• Your research area of interest and question (Please find an area of interest and state your research question. make sure your question fits with a quantitative approach to data gathering and analysis or a mixed method approach that uses both quantitative and qualitative so that you can focus on quantitative methods in this Unit/ one page paper.)

• The type(s) of quantitative methods you would use to gather data

• Given those methods the types of data analysis you would use.

• Identify what if any are short comings of using these type(s) of data gathering and analysis

• Identify what you need to learn to be able to properly analyze and present the data from your research using these methods and analysis.

• Cite at least two readings OR article listed below in your paper.


Write in a paragraph or two what you need to learn about quantitative methodology and what you think at this point are the one or two major contributions quantitative data methods can provide for research in social work.

Resources on Quantitative Data Analysis from course work ( must use a min of two)

1, Wadsworth Text:

Chapter 5: How to Go About Finding Out: Techniques B-P. Do It Yourself Social Research. pp 67-115. (this is also referenced in the Qualitative Methods part as there are methods in this section that can be used for either)

Chapter 6: Other Resources Around. Do It Yourself Social Research. pp 135-142.

Chapter 7: Interpretation and Organizing Ideas. Do It Yourself Social Research. pp 143-152.

2, Robert Statistics Every Writer Should Know. at

3, Trochim, William M. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition. Internet WWW page, at URL: <> Look at Table of Contents, find section on Analysis, in that section focus on the part on Data Preparation and Descriptive Statistics. You can of course read the other sections on inferential statistics and validity but they will take you further than you need to go for this course.

4, Interesting use of research methods to assist communities, look at example of volunteers helping gather data to help communities affected by earthquake: Statistics Without Borders Assists With Haitian Data Collection Project, at URL:

5, Below is an interesting resource about Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis you may want to visit and take advantage of—to go to the site click on the word “tutorial” in the paragraph below:

Manchester Metropolitan University (Department of Information and Communications) and Learn Higher offer a clear introductory “tutorial”( ) to qualitative and quantitative data analysis through their Analyze This!!! site. Notice on the left side of the page are links to other tutorials. The site also links out to further reading.

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