Chemistry Video Quiz
Go to to answer the following questions. You will be graded on your ability to use the language and knowledge of chemistry and
biochemistry discussed in the course.
The questions are not scrambled – They follow the order of the script. Also, note that some words are underlined – it would be a good idea to understand what these
words mean.
Answers should be filled into the video-quiz answer form and brought to class per schedule recorded in the weekly calendar and assignment folder.
Gold segment
1) Since noble metals have filled valence shells, they don’t want to bond. Why?
Metal segment
2) What was unique about Copper’s electronic structure that makes it such a good conductor?
3) Structure determines function. What electronic structure was shown by the electron microscope used at Cornell to view the bronze sample?
Theo segment
4) 70% percent of the elements of the electron table were metals. What did Theo said they do?
Early scientists did not know about protons, so they organized elements by Family and 7)______?
5) Chlorine was called the most notorious halogen in the video. Why?
6) During the Theo segment, sodium “dumped” it’s electrons on water molecules tearing it apart when it was exposed to air. What element was released into the air with
the explosion?
7) When Na and Cl was combined later it was used to salt the popcorn. What was the explanation given for why Na didn’t explode with Cl like it did when combined with
water and air?
Explosion Segment
8) Ions are elements with charge. In the law enforcement laboratory, what did the ion chromatograph detect from the explosion?
9) Bonds break and form constantly in reactions. When they occur in the body, we call it biochemistry. As a result of the explosion, oxygen broke away from nitrogen to
bind with what 3 elements?
10) Some bonds requires energy to form and some release energy. What powered the explosions that were demonstrated in the testing area?
11) What determined the strength of each explosion?
CHNOP Segment
12) Fertilizer was picked up during the during the CHNOPing trip because it has a high concentration of one of the CHNOP elements. This element was also mentioned
during the bomb explosion segment and alerts law enforcement to the possibility of a bomb. What was that element?
13) The chemist mentioned an element that she called the foundation of all life. That is because it is abundantly found in all life. What element was it and why was
this element so important biochemically?
14) Fire can be a catalyst. What molecule was formed when the narrator catalyzed H and O with the flame?
15) The chemist said that one of the reasons the element P was so important was that it was the main constituent of this molecule in the body that stores energy in a
high energy bond?
Trace Elements/Gatorade Segment
16) What were the two possibilities given for the narrator to have a below average VO2 test?
Trace elements are 3% of the body’s elements. Indicate what the Gatorade representative noted was most important about these trace elements.
17) Zn and Mg?
18) K and Na ?
Glass segment
19) Scientists added elements to glass to make it more durable, scratch resistant, and flexible. What were some of the uses of these glass mixtures that related to
Rare earth segment
20) Why are the rare earths indistinguishable chemically?
21) Why were the sharks chemically repelled by magnets?
Isotope/nuclear segment
22) Scott using the isotope C14 for carbon dating. What is he trying to find out?
23) What element does C14 turn into after it decays and loses proton(s)?
24) Nuclear reactors produce energy through chain reactions. How did the nuclear scientist explain this phenomenon using mouse traps?
25) How was Plutonium formed?