: Case Study Analysis and Poster Presentation
Title: Apply relevant theory to analyse “Why Projects Fail in Airbus – A380” in your chosen case study company which might impact the organisation policies and performance, including commitment at work. Critically evaluate the impact of “classic mistakes” in such failure on the company as a whole, policies and profit.
Purpose of the Group-work: Case Study Analysis and Poster Presentation:?The group-work element seeks to provide a platform for participants to share and increase their knowledge and understanding by applying relevant theories and approaches to key areas of Understanding Business and Management Research Methods. The main purpose of this assignment element is to:
– Learn to work effectively as a group and engage confidently in academic and professional communication.
-Demonstrate clear understanding of relevant theory/concepts
-Synthesis of theory/data; integrate theory and examples from case study company
-Provide a tight structure (Introduction, Argument, Conclusion); addressing key elements as outlined in the assignment brief
– Present the work, by using adequate sources and acknowledging them as appropriate ?The group work will be assessed (40%). At the end of the presentations, the groups will get feedback and individual grades from the seminar tutors of the module and from the other groups regarding these areas which can be used in the individual coursework assignments.
The group work will be assessed (40%). At the end of the presentations, the groups will get feedback and individual grades from the seminar tutors of the module and from the other groups regarding these areas which can be used in the individual coursework assignments.
B: Reflective Individual coursework: Critical Evaluation of Case Study Analysis and Poster (60%)
The individual assignment requires each participant to write a reflective mini-report of 2,500 words long, based on the case study analysis and poster presentation of their group. ?The mini-report should provide an academic analysis by recalling the theories and approaches that are relevant to the topic of the group-work. Participants are free to structure their individual mini-reports, but preferably to follow the structure mentioned below and to include any relevant tables or diagrams. However, to give you an idea of what we expect, the individual report should reflect, in general the following structure, for your mini report:
My group uses Project management theory.
Case study company: Qantas airlines.
Topic of group work: Apply relevant theory to analyse “Why Projects Fail in Airbus – A380” in your chosen case study company which might impact the organisation policies and performance, including commitment at work. Critically evaluate the impact of “classic mistakes” in such failure on the company as a whole, policies and profit.
Executive Summary
Should include a “critical academic reflection” on the whole experience.
1. Introduction: An introductory part (approximately 500 words) that in short describes the case study company as well as the concept definitions and frameworks used. This part should also indicate the case to be argued, i.e. reflect on your role, the rationale behind the critical analysis, strengths, weakness and any issues you might face.
2. Literature Review: A literature review part (1,000 words) that describes the views from the relevant theories and approaches chosen to analyse the topic, including both the favourable and the counter arguments. It should also be mentioned evidence, if available, regarding the case study company that confirms one or the other type of argument.
3. Methodology : How to find information, theory .
4. Findings/Results and Discussion: The critical analysis part (1,200 words) which should be the main focus of this assignment. This part should include the critical discussion of the academic theories and approaches when applied to the case study company, the conclusions of the case study analysis, including also the limitations of the analysis, and the individual reflection where participants should highlight the major differences between the case study company and their current or past organisation, emphasizing what they have learned from this assignment that can be transferable to the current or past organisation.
5. Conclusions – Include limitations and recommendations
References – Do not number this section. Do NOT use Wikipedia as a reference: Ability to identify a diverse and high quality sources of information (a minimum of 50 references are required from different sources). These should include: academic journals/ books/ trade publications, government and industry data, websites, professional newspapers etc.
Appendices – If appropriate
For further guidance on what to include in each section of your mini report, see Bryman & Bell Chapter 27. Also, further guidance can be obtained from the Postgraduate Office leaflets on report writing, adapted to take account of the foregoing requirements.
You should use 1.5 line spacing throughout the text. Tables, figures and the references should be single spaced. Use 12 pt Arial or Times Roman fonts.
In total the assignment should be of 2,500 words long. Submission date Individual coursework:
The following checklist focuses on the key requirements you need to achieve to complete your assignment. Before you submit your work, check that you can answer ‘yes’ to each of the questions.
Research Problem Formulation
Is the research problem sufficiently important? Is it likely to produce new or useful information? Is the problem complex? Are prior theory and empirical work explained clearly? Are the predictions stated clearly? Are the predictions logically justified?
Literature Review?
Does the investigator demonstrate familiarity with pertinent literature? Is the literature review comprehensive and well organised putting forward and clearly the concepts/frameworks the investigator aims to explore?
Is the chosen methodology the most appropriate to address the main research question? Is the proposed research overly involved, with too many elements under simultaneous investigation? Are an unmanageable number of independent or dependent variables included? Is the description of the research design sufficiently clear and specific to permit rigorous evaluation? Does the investigator demonstrate familiarity with pertinent methodological literature and techniques? Are controls adequately conceived and described? Are the data the investigator proposes to consider suited to the research objectives?
Data Collection,
if any.?Are data collection plans realistic? Do they raise ethical issues? Are plans offered for ruling out alternative explanations for results?
Does the investigator summarise the findings in a concise manner? Are the findings well-articulated and discussed within the literature?