Answer all questions
The skills of knowledge and understanding (KU) and analysis, evaluation and application (AE, App) are being assessed in this paper. When answering each question you should note the number of marks allocated to each skill and use this information as a guide to the length and type of answer required.
Section A Psychology for Care
1. Adolescence and older adulthood are stages of human development. Describe one social feature of each.
2. Kevin 10 years old has recently broken his leg and will be in hospital for several weeks. Explain how three different strands of his development may be affected by this life experience.
3. (a) Briefly describe the following terms from the Behavioural Approach. Antecedent Consequence 2.
(b) Explain the link between antecedent and consequence.
4. (a) Describe the social and self-actualisation levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
(b) Explain why it is important for care workers to have a knowledge of these levels when working with a person who has had a stroke.
5. Katrina is 16 years old and has recently moved on from residential care to her own flat. Explain why it is important that her key worker has an understanding of psychology.
Section B Sociology for Care
1. Family and mass media are two examples of agents of socialisation. Describe one role for each in relation to human behaviour and development.
2. Describe the sociological concept of culture.
3. (a) Describe what is meant by stereotyping.
(b) Explain the role socialisation plays in relation to the learning of 2 AE stereotyping.
4. (a) Give one example of direct discrimination and one example of
(b) Describe two possible effects that discrimination could have on an
5. Explain how sociological explanations may differ from common sense views in relation to unemployment.
6. Explain two ways that equality can be promoted by a care worker at a personal level.
Section C Values and Principles in Care
1. Choice is a principle which underpins the National Care Standards. Describe two ways a care worker could promote choice in caring for a person with learning difficulties.
2. State two appropriate types of care provision for a 60-year-old woman living
2 KU at home, who is having difficulty with mobility.
3. Describe how the principle of privacy could be applied in domiciliary care.
4. Listed below are two examples of values underpinning care planning. Give a brief description of each. • • Empowerment Acceptable risk
Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.
Alexi is a 74-year-old man whose wife died last year and he now lives alone. His son Yuri lives in a nearby town and visits him regularly. When Alexi’s wife was alive they enjoyed going out for meals and for walks in the countryside. Yuri has noticed recently that Alexi rarely goes out and is losing weight. During his last visit Yuri was concerned because his dad had not washed or changed his clothes from the week before.
5. Describe one physical and one social need that Alexi has. Alexi has been assigned a home support worker and a personal care plan has been put into place for him.
6. (a) Describe the Care Planning Process.
(b) Explain why the last stage of the Care Planning Process is important for Alexi’s care.
7. How could a knowledge of Attachment Theory, help the support worker
KU understand the change in Alexi’s behaviour following the death of his wife?