Select and briefly describe the most current version of a standardized psychological test (ADOS)Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
This description should be brief and include:
•Full name of the test.
•Publisher’s stated purpose of the test.
•Standardization sample and age range for the test’s use.
•Description of a population, psychological condition, or psychological disorder of interest that corresponds with the test’s purpose and current use.
Administration of the Test
Describe how the test is administered. There are two major areas here that you need to consider and address briefly in this assignment—you will expand on these two areas later on. The first is how fairness in testing is integrated with ethical and legal issues during administration of the test. The second is an assessment of the impact of technology on the administration of the test.
Thesis Statement
Provide a thesis statement that expresses your position on the test’s use and a justification for your position. Address the psychometric properties of the test that support your thesis statement, which must be based on the professional literature, related to tests and measurements, and be applicable to your current or future employment or your specialization at Capella.
Guidelines and Requirements
Literature Guidelines
•Use the most current sources you can find. Do not use sources older than eight years. (You may cite older sources if they are classics, if you want to show the chronology of something, or if you have another good reason. If you choose to use older sources, you will need to explain why.)
•Use current, peer-reviewed articles; do not use books or Web sites, except to validate the articles you used.
•Use research articles, rather than using literature reviews.
•Do not use sources without an author or a publication date.
•The paper should contain as many references as you feel are needed. Remember, statements of fact must be cited; whatever you cite must be referenced and whatever you reference must be cited.