Biblical passage Isa 6:1-13 from the Bible.

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Biblical passage Isa 6:1-13 from the Bible.

need you to write a 1 page summery of the Biblical passage Isa 6:1-13 from the Bible.

No plagiarism.

Endnote Everything.

If you quote a verse of scripture, mention what version you are using.

Use common everyday language which is easy to read and comprehend.

Historical critical commentary involves information about the the history within the text (i.e., the setting of the story itself) and the history of the text (i.e., where the story originated, who wrote it down and when, who collected it with other stories and when, who may have redacted it and when). What do we know about these historical contexts and how certain are we? Finally, how does this historical information help us understand this text?

Before you write this paper, be sure you have some kind of grasp on the three biblical critical examinations. Then ask yourself how you might go about preaching and/or teaching this passage in an informed and thoughtful way. This paper is for suggestions about how to move from biblical analysis into proclamation of the text.

Use the Harper Collins Study Bible as a reference.

Isaiah’s call or commissioning in Isa 6:1-13 is a fruitful passage for study. It’s a fine example of a prophetic vision, especially when we don’t stop where the lectionary does at v. 8. It fits the prophetic call model. It gives us an opportunity to think about the Temple and Temple activities in a way that appeals to all our senses. Also, this passage has often been used as a template for the order of traditional worship. So let’s do some exploration of this text.

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