Assignment 1: Field Activity – Interview & Report

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Assignment 1: Field Activity – Interview & Report

Assignment 1: Field Activity – Interview & Report
This assignment is created to allow the student to gain insight into an ethical experience and review the outcome. You will iAssignment 1: Field Activity – Interview & Report

This assignment is created to allow the student to gain insight into an ethical experience and review the outcome. You will interview one nurse about his/her ethical/moral experiences in advanced practice.
1. The student will ask the nurse being interviewed to describe an ethical/moral situation they have experienced in their practice. Keep in mind the following when documenting the interview:
o Brief synopsis of ethical situation shared by person being interviewed.
o Ethical principles used.
o Ethical perspective taken.
o Ethical decision making process used.
o Alternate approaches that could be taken when dealing with the situation.
2. The Interview document should be double spaced with at least 5-7 pages of content. Cover page and references are not counted as content pages. Evaluate the information gathered to determine: which moral principles were used, which ethical perspective was taken, and what are the implications for advanced nursing practice.
3. The student will create a list of questions to be used for the interview and will obtain approval from the faculty member prior to conducting the interview.
*** Provide questions on a separate paper!!!!
4. This paper will be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA (6th ed.) referencing. Supporting documents should be included as necessary.
5. Utilize the course concepts from the text and at least two other scholarly sources to enhance your analysis.

Points Possible
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the topic utilizing course concepts
Brief Synopsis of the ethical situation is provided
Ethical principles analyzed 0-60
Ethical decision making process utilized 0-40
Alternate approaches presented 0-30
APA format and includes a reference list. Content from the course text and two
additional sources incorporated in the paper. 0-10


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