: Apprenticeships and education regarding young artists at the time of renaissance The materials and methods utilized when educating artists went through substantial modifications at the period of renaissance (Byrnes 7). During the era, a good number of young artists obtained their training like apprentices. Nevertheless, within the 1400s, art theory learning gradually turned out to be as essential as practical skills mastering. At the period regarding Renaissance, study regarding art apprenticeship was done master artist guidance. Beginning of training was usually between twelve and fourteen years after which individuals served for time period between one and eight years (Teskey 493). Before training, apprentices’ parents had to enter in to contract signing with master, wherein training terms were set out. A distinctive contract needed the master to offer instruction, clothing, housing and food. A fee would sometimes be paid to masters by parents while other cases were experienced wherein the master offered salary to the apprentice. Apprenticeship standards were at first set by guilds or local craft unions. Guilds determined matters like contract lengths and student numbers who could be trained by a master (Stange 21).