Application: Advocacy Plan for Social Change

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Application: Advocacy Plan for Social Change

Application: Advocacy Plan for Social Change

In the past two decades, many human services organizations have been recognized as social change organizations. Many organizations, such as feminist organizations, often use their client services in combination with advocacy to create social change. For example, some rape crisis centers look to create social change through eliminating tolerance of rape, empowering their clients, and advocating for legal, medical, health, and social services for their clients. As a human services professional, you have the ability to advocate for any group, regardless of whether or not you are a leader.

As you prepare for this Application, consider a group in your area of interest within human services for which you would advocate. Consider steps you might take and stakeholders with whom you could collaborate. Also, think about how advocating for this group might create social change.

The assignment (3–4 pages):

Complete an advocacy plan for social change for a group in your area of interest. In your plan be sure to include:
A brief description of the group for which you have interest in advocating and explain why
A brief description of at least two steps you might take to advocate for this group
A brief description of the stakeholders in the community with whom you might collaborate
An explanation of how your plan might be used to create social change
Justify your responses with references from the literature.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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