An ESL lesson plan

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An ESL lesson plan

An ESL lesson plan

Paper instructions:
Requirements for All Assignments
Guidelines for Assignments
Carefully read these instructions so that you know what we expect in each assignment.
• Each assignment must be written in the format specified in the assignment. Point form is not acceptable.
• Each assignment in this course should include the following elements:
o title page (including your mailing address)
o an introduction describing what the assignment contains
o a body, which includes the main part of your assignment; this assignment may be
a short essay, a lesson plan, or a collection of your writing and materials as
indicated in the assignment
o a brief conclusion
o properly cited references, if applicable, with author, title, page numbers,
publication date, and place of publication, and publisher.
• Assignments, whether sent electronically or in print, must be typed and double spaced.
Leave a wide margin on all sides to allow for instructor comments.
• Follow the instructions for each assignment carefully to ensure that you have included
everything that is expected of you. Check to see that you have the required number of
pages or words as set out in the instructions. Keep to the suggested length for each
assignment.assignments  will not be marked if they are too long. They will be sent
back to you for you to rewrite in more succinct form and re-submit.
• Proofread your assignments to ensure proper grammar and mechanics. You may fail the assignments if your English is not adequate.
• Number all pages.

Assignment Checklist
Before submitting the assignment, ask yourself the following questions:
• Have I included a title page, introduction, body, and conclusion?
• Have I covered all the required points?
• Have I demonstrated knowledge based on the course readings?
• Have I demonstrated knowledge based on classroom practice?
• Have I properly cited all my sources?
• Are the ideas and points logically and coherently organized?
• Have I expressed myself accurately and effectively?
• Is the assignment succinct?
• Have I used correct spelling and grammar?
For all assignments, weighting will be approximately as follows:
• Ability to connect theory to practice 80%
• Assignment presentation and organization 20%

Develop a set of materials for a theme unit. Be sure to label your materials so that the tutor/marker can easily identify them by type (e.g., drill, role-play, cloze etc.) and identify how each part fits into the assignment. The Course Notes and readings in your Article Reprints package for Module 1 on theme units will prove helpful in getting you started on your assignment. Assignment 2 should be 1500 to 1800 words in length (6 to 8 pages).
Your introduction should include:
•    the theme topic (e.g., culture shock, dating and marriage, education, sports, family)
•    the teaching context (you can use the same context as for your first assignment or a different one). Include information about students’ proficiency levels in English
•    a rationale that explains why your choice of theme and materials are appropriate for your chosen teaching situation
•    a list of four materials and a fifth student-generated material idea
•    overall language skill objectives that will be covered by the each of the materials you choose (functions, structures, vocabulary, listening, reading, critical thinking, etc.). Include content objectives if applicable (e.g., for non-native English speakers in a K–12 program).
For each material, describe the following:
•    language and content objectives (see above)
•    place in the lesson cycle or sequence (e.g., presentation, controlled practice, freer practice)
•    instructions for use of the materials.
Three of the materials that you write up should be ones that you develop yourself. The fourth can be from another source (a published ESL material or an authentic material) that works well with the theme (e.g., a map, a role-play from another source, the lyrics to a song, a jazz chant, a written text). It may be difficult to send a video or commercial ESL/EFL tape as part of your theme unit; you may instead provide a description of the material including title, author, source, and a synopsis of the story or contents. Please cite your source completely.
Develop or select one type of material from each of the following four categories for your theme unit:
•    visual aids (Module 4)
•    basic classroom resources or technology-based resources (Modules 5, 6, 7)
•    drills, dialogues, and role-plays (Module 8); If you choose to develop a role-play, specify the essential elements, the roles, the props, and the time. Make up role-play cards if applicable.
•    games, music, or chants (Modules 9 and 10). Note that you will have to budget your time so that you can read ahead if you wish to use information from Module 10, as the assignment is due after you have completed Module 9.
•    Remember also to provide a description of a fifth, student-generated material that could be created in conjunction with the theme unit. Your student-generated material can be of any type.
There will be some overlap between categories when you are creating materials. As part of a theme unit on Valentine’s Day, for example, you can draw pictures on pieces of overhead transparency that can be displayed and moved around on the overhead projector while telling a story. This involves both low-tech materials (overhead transparencies) and visual aids (the drawings). However, this would count as only one of the four items I need to create for my theme unit.
Do not simply describe what you would create. For example, for a theme unit on Valentine’s Day, saying that you would write a jazz chant about inviting someone out, with the other person politely refusing is not enough. You need to actually write the chant and submit it for grading. Anything that you make—tapes, video, flashcards—will be returned to you, provided they are not larger than 9” x 12”. If you choose to use magazine pictures as visual aids, mount them and cite the source. This counts as materials that you develop. Unless you are particularly interested in video projects, you may find developing such materials too time consuming for this assignment.
Your materials will be evaluated on the basis of suitability to the stated teaching situation and language skill objectives, ease of use, versatility, learner appeal, pedagogical effectiveness in promoting the development of communicative competence, etc. You may want to review the general criteria for developing and evaluating materials provided in Module 1, and the relevant criteria for each type of material in subsequent modules. The quality of your materials is important in terms of their usability, but I am not looking for works of art. Stick drawings, for example, are as effective as more elaborate drawings if they are recognizable and neat, and bold enough to be seen by all the class for large group use. I do not expect you to go to great expense in creating your materials; you may want to laminate pictures and game boards for your own use, but you do not need to do so for the purposes of this assignment. Limit yourself to materials that will fit into one large padded 9” x 12” envelope. Please do not send boxes of materials. (Large posters or activity charts may not be suitable. A small game board for small group use would be more practical than a large game board.)
Your mark will be out of 100 points and evaluated as follows:
•    Rationale (10)
•    How well does your rationale and theme demonstrate an understanding of your student group and the benefits of the various material and activity types?
•    Materials (70)
o    20 points—How neat, versatile, attractive, visible, and durable are your materials?
o    30 points—How appropriate are your materials and activities for the age, interests, and language needs of your students?
o    20 points—How innovative are your materials?
Presentation and organization (20)

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