1. Describes, where appropriate, the aetiology and epidemiology of the stressor.
2. Critically evaluates the global public health significance including data on prevalence and incidence.
3. Identifies any vulnerable groups and explains why they are vulnerable.
4. Identifies the intervention strategies that can be used to prevent, control or mitigate any health impacts.
Assessment Criteria:
1. Use of appropriate medium to deliver presentation.
2. Quality of Slides and information presented
3. Describes, where appropriate, the aetiology and epidemiology of the stressor.
4. Critically evaluates the global public health significance including data on prevalence and incidence.
5. Identifies any vulnerable groups and explains why they are vulnerable.
6. Identifies the intervention strategies that can be used to prevent, control or mitigate any health impacts
7. Provision and quality of accompanying notes that address learning outcomes and key points.
This brief checklist is designed to help you avoid some of the common mistakes which can lose you marks on your coursework. After you have completed your coursework assignment, then check through your work and ‘tick off’ each point once you are sure you have fully addressed that aspect:
1. Have you included all components of the assessment?
2. Use of appropriate medium to deliver presentation.
3. Quality of Slides and information presented
4. Describes, where appropriate, the aetiology and epidemiology of the stressor.
5. Critically evaluates the global public health significance including data on prevalence and incidence.
6. Identifies any vulnerable groups and explains why they are vulnerable.
7. Identifies the intervention strategies that can be used to prevent, control or mitigate any health impacts
8. All Group members contribute to presentation
9. Answer questions and queries at end of presentation.
10. Provision and quality of accompanying notes that address learning outcomes and key points
Have you presented your work following the guidelines given in this document.
Have you kept to the total word count to 1500 words distributed in the notes section of the slides?
Have you written in an academic style, using third person?
Have all members contributed equally to the work involved?
Have you correctly cited your references?
Have you correctly presented these references alphabetically using the Harvard style?
Have you proof read your work and checked your spellings and punctuation?
Have you demonstrated criticality in your presentation? Show you have supported your
arguments using academic literature; you have presented ideas and information which
challenges thinking, and you have offered discussion points which extends your own or others’ viewpoints.
Can you confirm that the work submitted is your own and not plagiarised?
Have you utilised the assessment rubric to ensure you have correctly addressed the coursework grading
.SLIDE HEADINGS: (This is a level 7 paper that requires critical Evaluation)
1. Introduction
2. Aetiology (a. Causes, b. Transmission, and c. Life cycle
3. Symptoms
4. Epidemiology
5. Global Public Health Significance
6. Vulnerable Groups
7. Why they are vulnerable
8. Intervention Strategies (Aims and Objectives)
9. Intervention Strategies (Treatment and prevention)
10. Intervention Strategies (Environmental Factors)
11. Conclusion