ABC model of an attitude
1.Using the ABC model of an attitude, analyze what John Mackey’s online comments about Wild Oats reveal about his attitudes.
2.Using the concepts of instrumental values and terminal values, explain John Mackey’s blogging behavior relative to the Wild Oats acquisition. Using the same concepts explain the reaction of the SEC, FTC, and interested observers to Mackey’s blogging behavior.
3.From your perspective, did John Mackey act in an ethical or unethical manner? Consider the perspective of those that defend and oppose his actions.Explain the reasoning behind your answer.
4.At what stage of cognitive moral development is John Mackey apparently operating? Explain your answer.
5.What insights regarding John Mackey’s attitudes, values, and ethics are provided by his use of the pseudonym ‘Rahodeb’ to disguise his extensive online commentary about Wild Oats?
6.As an ethical, responsible leader, describe the cognitive moral development level that John Mackey’s behavior should fit. Please justify your answer.
7.According to Mr. Mackey, some of the statements attributed to Rahodeb did not match his personal beliefs. Explain this conflict between attitude and behavior.