50 p critical thinking dec 7

What was the course of religious toleration in the American colonies during the 17th and 18th centuries? In your view, how does this period compare with the topic as it applies to current American society?
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50 p critical thinking dec 7

Project description
read this and answer the questions
Kastle Systes is a national leader in office
building security systes. It is a to rovider
of building security in Washington, D.C.,
New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles.
Custoer service account anagers at Kastle
are the coanys reresentatives to rosects
and custoers. Account anagers eet with
rosects to evaluate their needs and roose
security systes that satisfy those needs.
Account anagers solicit feedback on Kastles
service and systes. If robles occur, account
anagers work with technical staff to develo
and ileent solutions. They ust have
strong knowledge of Kastles systes.
A college degree and rofessional
exerience in the security industry are
required for this job. Kastle looks for good
counicators with excellent organizational
and interersonal skills. Candidates ust
work well under ressure.
Think Critically
1. Do you think you would like the hands-on
work of eeting with clients, evaluating
their needs, and roosing systes? Why
or why not?
2. Why do you think account anagers
should be good tea layers?

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