Research Topic and Instructions
This research assignment requires analysis of economic data and policies in a manner that displays advanced understating of the topics and models/theories presented in the Introduction to Economics course. The assignment has 2 major parts. Each part contains multiple components. Please address both parts and each of the specified components in sufficient detail in one comprehensive research paper. You must correctly use most of the relevant key concepts and models/theories learned in the course. Part I: Description of the State of the U.S. Economy Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2006 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates). Use data from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and other government agencies and departments, such as Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics), Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis), etc and present the data in charts, graphs, or tables. In your analysis of the macroeconomic data, you will notice that the U.S. economy passed through a major recession. Based on research, discuss the underlying causes of the recession. Identify monetary and fiscal policies implemented by the Federal Reserve and the government to deal with the recession. |