Critical Thinking Paper – The writing assignment will consist of a paper (approximately 2 to 3 pages, typed, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and 12 point font) examining the articles in the text by Burton Leister: The Death Penalty is Permissible and Hugo Adam Bedau: No, the Death Penalty is Not Morally Permissible. The assignment is not a research paper. The format of the paper will be as follows:
Part A – Briefly explain each author’s position on the issue.
Part B – Advance a criticism of one of the author’s positions.
Part C – Talk about what that author might say in reply to your criticism.
Part D – Talk about your rejoinder to that reply.
Please indicate to all parts for example A,B,C,D in the paper so that I can know which is which , please follow all steps above in part A,B,C,D, No plagiarism
#-Also, Note Follow the format – 2 to 3 pages, typed, one-inch margins, double-spaced, r12-point font; cite the author to which you refer; paper in on time. Papers are due on 03/29 midnight