September 1, 2020

JavaScript Form Field Validation and Error Messages

You have created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You […]
September 1, 2020


Write a Python program that outputs the numbers from 1 to 100. However, if thenumber is divisible by 3, it should output Fizz instead. If the […]
September 1, 2020

music quiz game

TASK 1Noel is creating a music quiz game.The game stores a list of song names and their artist(e.g. the band or solo artist name). The player […]
September 1, 2020

Basic Website

Details/Requirements  Create a website based on your mockup. The minimum requirements are below: ? Home Page Must Contain: NavigationBrief descriptionFooterGive credit where credit is due ? […]
August 31, 2020

Web API assignment: CodeQuiz

I need a website that is a timed quiz that uses web apis the following below is the acceptance criteria:GIVEN I am taking a code quizWHEN […]