December 7, 2020

Bias by Bernard Goldberg

The assignment is to write a response paper to the book, Bias, by Bernard Goldberg.The premise is simple: what did this book teach you about journalism? […]
October 26, 2020


No citation. Just takes notes on chapter 1 through 7 of this book (PAGE 1 -81). Does not have to be formal at all. Use bulletpoints. […]
July 4, 2020

Black Snake Killaz: A #NoDAPL Story

Watch this 2017 documentary and other materials listed below, then write an essay of at least 300 words. In this essay, be sure to follow these […]
July 4, 2020

Native American Citizenship and Voting Rights.

After watching the videos and readings, write an original post of at least 250 words -
July 4, 2020

Myths and Stereotypes

Please read the readings and then answer the following questions in your Discussion Post. You do not need to limit your writing to American Indians in […]