October 5, 2020

What should the governments role in health care be?

Basic Requirements: Your paper should present a policy proposal make an argument that some specific group should take some course of action. Use MLA format for […]
October 5, 2020

Investigate the activities, techniques, and motivations of the cyber espionage group known as APT1. Who are their targets and what recommendations would you give to U.S. entities concerned with protecting their computer networks?

Research Paper Specification:Your paper(s) must be at least 5 pages long, MLA format with proper citation, 1 margins, 12-point font, double-spaced. You should include at least […]
October 5, 2020

How did America lose many of its teachers who were people of color, what is the current situation in Pennsylvania, and how is this issue being addressed?

Formal Papers: you will write four of them.  This writing includes drafts as well as final, rewritten, revised and polished versions. All drafts must be typed, […]
October 5, 2020

Point of View Paper on Greasy Lake by Bruce Springsteen

800 words long, five paragraphs. The first paragraph will include the authors name, name of story, and a brief synopsis of the story in which only […]
October 5, 2020


Prompt: Write a 4-page essay in which you argue for a thesis in answer to the question, Why should I be moral? Use the readings and […]
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