Your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography using current APA documentation style. The assignment consists of a list of sources and an annotation for each source. […]
Vietnamese are portrayed as hard-working and able to escape poverty. South Asians are portrayed as hard-working and intelligent. Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians, though lumped with […]
"SPEAKING NEARBY:" A CONVERSATION WITH TRINH T. MINH-HA NANCY N. CHEN NANCY N . C H E N : One of themostimportantquestionsfor myself deals with the […]
Final Anthology Proposal This proposal consists of a one-page outline briefly describing your anthology. Your proposal must include: 1. A working anthology title. 2. A theme, concept, or question: […]
The Ambiguous Practices of the Inauthentic Asian American Woman Author(s): EMILY S. LEE Source: Hypatia , WINTER 2014, Vol. 29, No. 1, SPECIAL ISSUE: Interstices: Inheriting […]