CERER “Let No One Stop You”
June 30, 2022
Paradox of Liberty in Americas “Consciousness”
June 30, 2022
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic is on Pornography. Apply concepts from three distinctly different disciplines of human study to analyze the particular phenomenon (see listing below, one from each column).  Incorporate theoretical frameworks, theoretical constructs and other explanations that have been used by these disciplines to create a perspective that will provide a possible explanation for the issue. This should be the way the discipline approaches the topic, it should not be a listing of findings.  For example do not give a historic account of the topic but rather how historians synthesize the historical significance of the phenomenon.  The last part of the paper is reflective.  

Outline for the paper:
Title page (include word count)
    Introduce topic
      Introduce the chosen disciplines/perspectives
      Thesis statement in Italics
Social Sciences discipline
In-depth look at the disciplines perspective of the topic
Comment on how this perspective is different from other disciplines
Applied Sciences discipline
In-depth look at the disciplines perspective of the topic
Comment on how this perspective is different from other disciplines
Diversity framework
Use insights from own cultural rules and biases to examine the topic
Use at least one other United States culture/gender/ethnicity/religions framework to examine the topic
Reflection on how self-perspective of the topic is changed after researching the topic
Reflection on self as a learner: skills acquired from the assignment, insights into the research, and writing process
Evaluate own learning from perspective of envisioning future improved self
    Draw conclusion(s) by combining theories from the examined disciplines/perspectives
References in correct APA, 6th edition style

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