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May 11, 2022
History Homework
May 11, 2022
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DB #3


Discussion Assignment Instructions

DUE: by 11am Monday May 23, 2022. NO LATE WORK!


One of the most advanced quantitative methods that can be applied to criminal justice data is mediation and moderation analysis. After reading the two articles by Pick and Teo (2017) and Pais (2017), as well as the articles by Hayes and others, what are the advantages of applying this analysis? How do an inadequate design, a flawed analysis strategy, and lack of attention to assumptions affect the use of mediation and moderation analysis? How does the researchers lack of theoretical framework concerning variables affect the application of mediation and moderation analysis?


You will post a thread presenting your scholarly response on the assigned topic, writing 750850 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least four (4) scholarly citations in APA format. The original thread must incorporate ideas and several scholarly citations from all of the Learn material for the assigned Week.


Then, you will post replies of 250300 words (supported with at least two cites) each to 3 or more classmates threads. Each reply must incorporate at least two (2) scholarly citation(s) in APA format. The reply posts can integrate ideas and citations from the Learn material throughout the course. 

Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Integrate Biblical principles in your personal thread and in all replies to peers.

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