Critical and Creative Reflection 5

March 31, 2022
American Apparl: Drowning in Debt
March 31, 2022
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Critical and Creative Reflection 5

In 900 words

1. Describe one takeaway from each article. ( all articles are in the file attached)

2. Which reading was most interesting to you.

3. Why did you find this reading interesting? How did it relate to you and your own story? (In this section I expect to see something about YOU, something about your background or your culture that relates to one of these readings.

Article titles:

  • Dealing with whiteness to empower students to fight for common good
  • Listening to students: Stories from the Education Effect
  • Living with the tensions of hope and despair
  • The dark & the dazzling: Children leading us back from the edge
  • Voices of those we cage and a different kind of witness
  • Let the human spirit in the room

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