Respond to 2 Peer discussion responses
March 26, 2022
March 26, 2022
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Think about two environments you have experienced.

  1. The first environment is one that did not confront the brutal facts, where the people (and the truth) were not heard.
  2. The second environment is one that did confront the brutal facts, where people had a tremendous opportunity to be heard.

What accounts for the difference between the two environments? If you do not have this life experience you are not off the hookyou will need to interview a leader who has these experiences and report on that. What does the contrast teach us about how to construct an environment where the truth is heard? Using strong Biblical support, explain how you relate this to your Christian Worldview. Does your Christian Worldview help you develop this environment? How does this relate to the ethical components of Meese & Ortmeier: Leadership, Ethics, and Policing: Challenges for the 21st Century? 500 WORDS

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