February 16, 2021
Foundations of Treatment Principles for Traumatized Children and Adolescents
February 16, 2021
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Perikles memorial oration

Perikles’ Memorial Oration states the ideals for which the young Athenian men gave their lives. These ideals were what made Athens the greatest city. Are these ideals real or were they merely aspirations by which the Athenians tried to live?

If these ideas are just aspirations, do they have any true value? Does this idea apply to the United States? For example, we have the ideal that all people are created equal. Does this ideal really exist or do we aspire toward the ideal? In other words, do we have to work to achieve the ideal? Respond.

Be sure to include your word count minus any direct quotes, use paragraphs, and appropriate capitalization.  Submissions missing any of these will be graded “0.” Must be at least 400 words

here is the link for the reading: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/funeral.html

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