What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult?

Benjy Grinberg Scholarship
February 10, 2021
Connecting Past and Present
February 10, 2021
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What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult?

For this activity you may start by making a mind-map that represents your ideas about adulthood. Write ADULTHOOD in the middle of a piece of paper and then jot down all of the ideas you can think of that relate to this life-stage. Connect ideas that are similar with lines. Once you have finished, examine your mind-map and think about this question: What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult? Avoid writing about your personal ideals of adulthood. Don’t focus on your own culture — I’m looking for universal qualities.
This unit’s reflection activity is unlike the other units’ reflection activities in that it is more of an intellectual activity than a self-reflection. Don’t draw from other sources. I’m interested in your ideas.
Write a 1000-1250 word reflection after completing this activity. You do not need to submit your mind map.

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