What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult?
February 10, 2021
Discussion Responses (Religions of Ancient Iran Course)
February 10, 2021
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Connecting Past and Present

Readings: TWE, Chap. 1, 25-33, and Chap. 2, 48-59, and YAWP Chap. 3, 54-61.

This is a formal paper that “connects” at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.

After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in the present.  This can be a current event or a personal experience, but you must provide examples and analysis to link the current issue directly with the readings.

TWE – file:///C:/Users/julia/Downloads/TWE.ColonialRaceandSlavery%20copy.pdf
YAWP – http://www.americanyawp.com/text/wp-content/uploads/Locke_American-Yawp_V1.pdf

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