Overview of Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction.
January 25, 2021
Discussion Board Forum 2
January 25, 2021
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week 2 assignment

Type a 1 page paper explaining the following two questions:

(1) How does the communities’ role play a part in disaster risk reduction? Explain in detail!

(2) How does the governments’ role play a part in disaster risk reduction? Explain in detail!

Paper requirements should include the following: Questions in Bold, answers in plain text, Times New Roman, 12 pt Font, Double Spaced, APA In-Text Citation/Works Cited page, Punctuation, Grammar, Spelling, etc., all included in grading! Provide an APA Title Page. 1 pt taken for every incorrect content for the above stated.

NOTE: Do NOT use the dictionary, encyclopedia, magazines, blogs and/or any related sources such as these for your supported material. I want you to use credible academic sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly journal articles, books). If you have questions or ideas on what these are, contact me). If any of the above NOT to use sources are utilized an automatic “0” will be issued for the grade of this assignment. Follow directions! 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions

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