November 29, 2020
I need to write a paper about Purgatory (link will be provided). My topic is how I think purgatory and catholicism is motivated by fear. for example, all the souls, demons, fires, pain, misery. These are all examples of things that bring fear to people.
November 29, 2020
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Autonomic Nervous System & 1 Specific special sense

Your task is the explore the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and one specific special sense (e.g., vision, gustation, equilibrium, olfaction, audition).

– Pick one special sense (vision, audition, gustation, olfaction, equilibrium) and prepare a written report of at least 1000 words answering the following bullet points:

A. What cranial nerve(s) is(are) associated with your chosen special sense?

B. Describe how the anatomy of your chosen special sense organ relates to its physiology.

C. Describe how signal transduction occurs in your chosen special sense organ. Distinguish how it is different from signal transduction in a somatic peripheral sensory nerve.

D. Describe how sensory stimuli from your chosen special sense can trigger autonomic activation. Discuss the downstream effects at the organ and organismal levels.

E. Discuss physiological consequences that can occur as a result of homeostatic imbalances in your chosen special sense organ.

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