To evaluate if Homo Erectus represents a new grade of Hominin

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November 16, 2020
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November 16, 2020
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To evaluate if Homo Erectus represents a new grade of Hominin

Step 1: Make a list of the traits that define our genus, genus Homo. Your list should include morphological (anatomical) and behavioral (e.g., diet, mode of locomotion, etc.) traits. This can be done in a table format or as bullet points. Please be sure to briefly explain the trait. For example, listing “brain size” is not very informative. Listing “brain size is relatively large” is appropriate.

Step 2: Select three traits you listed in Step 1 and describe these traits in Homo erectus (1 paragraph). Describe these same three traits in Homo habilis (1 paragraph).

Step 3: Based on your response in Step 2, decide if Homo erectus represents a new grade of hominin Your explanation should be based on a solid analysis of the scientific evidence. You need to make a convincing argument for or against Homo erectus representing a new grade of hominin based on facts and logic (1 paragraph).

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