Choose a contemporary Canadian artist. You are to discuss the social context in which they create their work. What do they hope to accomplish with their art and what is the message? You are to choose three distinct works of the artist in order to suppo
November 2, 2020
The earths internal structure
November 2, 2020
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Palestinian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon from 1960s to 1990s

Using course readings included, you will please explain:
(1) how the Palestinian refugee crisis affected Lebanon in the 1960s-1990s;

(2) based on your knowledge of the readings,how did war and conflict affect (respectivelyand distinctly) Palestinian, Israeli, and Lebanese livesin 1970s-1980s Lebanon;

(3) to what extent do the readings counter-narratives.

Note: please also focus on national identity and/or self identity of palestinians, women etc.

You will be sure to carefully historicize and contextualize your argument. Avoidgeneralizations and be specific (differentiate among the different actors discussed and among historical context

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