Discussion Forum 8.2 Compensation in a Pandemic
November 1, 2020
Automation should be mandatory for the production and provision of basic needs and services.
November 1, 2020
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Socioemotional and Cognitive Developmental Milestones (3-6 y/o).

Please answer questions after reading the attached files.
In Milestones revised please read following pages pp.48-56, pp.57-67, pp.83-109.
In tools of the mind please read pp 9-21.
You must respond to the guiding questions/discussion prompts by synthesizing information from readings; also you should cite at least 3 specific points from the reading(s).
Dont forget to cite your source.

1. According to the texts, what strategies can be implemented to help pre-kindergarteners learn?
2. What is the role of play in early childhood?
3. Would you consider parental strategies in dealing with the childs tantrum effective? Identify and analyze at least two of them.
4. What questions did these texts raise for you in light of your own experience with students/children? What critical questions about this/these theories do these observations raise for you? 

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