Youth suicide
November 1, 2020
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Concert Report Music Appreciation-need a music major!

I need two concerts on youtube analyzed and written about, I already did the research part of the paper and had someone botch this on this website. I need these two orchestral videos analyzed from start to beginning. Using musical terminology and it needs to be accurate. No historical information. Just analysis.detailed discussions of individual pieces Melody, form, is it homophonic, polyphonic, etc., tempo, what instruments are used throughout each piece, what is the mood of each section throughout the piece. Must be accurate and use musical terminology. what era is the music from, a discussion of the performance .What was the venue like, the performers, Did you think the music was performed well? Did you enjoy the music? If you did (or did not) was it the music itself or the performance of the music?

Appalachian Spring

Pictures at an Exhibition

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