Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 24, 2020
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October 24, 2020
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Sustainability Management

(1) PAPER (15 points): Individually, you will research and prepare a 3000-5000-word white paper (single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins, use APA format) targeted toward your employer or industry.  The paper should address a sustainability management problem and present a solution (such as science-based sustainability planning, circular economy, steady state economy, degrowth, resilience, sustainability return on investment, strong sustainability, biomimicry, Pigouvian tax, etc. Introduction a brief introduction to the problem and what will be covered in the paper (also helpful to write last so that it accurately reflects what is in your paper).
Problem Statement & Background identifies the issue/problem you will address and provides a minimum of 3 different points (paragraphs) that explain your problem statement in detail; rely on research, facts, and logic to support your problem statement. Also tie in planetary boundries into it.
Solution identifies & explains the best solution; use research to support your solution, this is not based upon your hunch or opinion.
Conclusion a brief recap of the problem, background, and solution.
References all sources used and cited in the paper; you must use at least 5 research-based peer-reviewed journal articles and avoid using Wikipedia, social media, blogs, and other unreliable sources. My topic is how there is a problem in the fashion industry on sustainable managing shipping and packaging material in such that there so much plastic being used and we should instead use eco-packing.

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