Hyper globalists
October 24, 2020
top and down portfolio
October 24, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the following two videos

Milton Friedman on Profit Motive Part 1 (new window)(5.26)

Milton Friedman of Profit Motive Part 2 (new window) (6.56 min.)

In your opinion, who has the stronger argument?  Should Ford and the consumer be free to make decisions about production and buying based on all available information, or should we rely on the government to regulate and make decisions for us?

When grading your discussion board, I not only will be evaluating the quality of your response, but I will be looking for evidence that you watched these clips.

Discussion Board serves as proxy for attendance.  If you do not complete the discussion board, then you will be marked absent.  In order to earn full credit for discussion board, you need to make four posts per week.  To view the grading rubric for discussion board, go to My Grades, locate this assignment, and click on the rubric.


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