October 23, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 23, 2020
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how to actually be happier in life and in the workplace.

Please divide the paper into two. In the first page, write about how you can be happier in your life. Then, in the second page, write about how you can be happier in your work life. Please separate these two parts under two main headings such as HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER IN MY OWN LIFE, and HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER AT MY WORK LIFE.
Please make sure that the content of your paper is rich as in it includes different ideas on how you can, in practice, live a more joyful life and have a more joyful experience at work (regardless of what you do for a living). Please also make sure that your paper is practice-oriented in that you provide practical ideas for yourself on how to live a more blissful life and have a more blissful experience at work, and  ideas that you present are very relevant to your present and/or future life and how you are planning to keep enhancing your joy and happiness in life and at work.
Make sure to include a reference list at the end of your paper where you list the sources that you relied on, ideally, using the APA format.
The page limit excludes the references.
Please use Times New Roman, 12-font, and 1.5 line spacing

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