October 23, 2020
Oil Production Business
October 23, 2020
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Respond to the following discussion question for this module. Discuss the utilization of “other” vessels such as the popliteal, anterior and posterior tibial, radial, ulnar or facial. Are these vessels you’d actually use in the process of embalming, or would you rather depend on hypodermic embalming? Why or why not? Would it depend on the case? Why?

Respond to two other people.

First person: The various vessels within the body are crucial to our work as embalmers, therefore, our selection choices are just as crucial.  Ideally, most would likely opt for the use of more common ones such as the carotid artery and jugular vein, however, these options are not always the most viable.  In cases such as this, other vessels have the chance to become more appealing candidates.  These other vessels include the popliteal, anterior and posterior tibial, radial, ulnar and facial.  While each of these present their own appeals, it is still for the embalmer to decide what they would do.  Between raising any of these vessels and hypodermic injection, I personally would lean more towards the use of hypodermic injection, but ultimately would depend on the case.  Each of these vessels carries their own benefits and if the case does not feel as though it would not require raising an excessive amount, then there is a good chance I would go ahead and utilize one of these.  Should it be necessary to raise a few of them, especially if I am constricted on time or if I feel it is not worth raising them, then I would feel more comfortable using hypodermic injection.  In particular, I would like to especially avoid raising the facial vessels as I am still new and worry that I may mess up and cause swelling, which I have heard is pretty annoying to deal with.  For the most part, I have not seen my preceptor raise any of these vessels and the only other vessels I have seen raised other than the carotid and jugular are the femoral. 

The second person: Depending on the individual case, I feel that the use of other vessels would be important.  The only experience that I have has been observing the funeral director doing the procedure.  It has always been injection from the common carotid and drainage from the jugular on the right.  Sometimes very messy with the blood clotting as the blood drains.  The hands were always a problem to clear up due to bruising from blood thinners.  Hypodermic injections were used on occasions but mostly they were touched up with cosmetics.  They never attempted to raise other arteries or even use the femoral as the primary injection site.  Why they never raised other arteries, the world may never know.  It’s what they did and they were pretty set in their ways.

    From what I have learned, I would definitely use other vessels like the radial or ulnar arteries to clear the hands.  It just makes sense.  If an area that is distal to the injection site is not clearing, lets find one that will.  The few times I witnessed hypodermic, there was little improvement.  This was in the web space, between the metacarpals. of the hand.  It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the radial or ulnar used.

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