Peer Review
October 21, 2020
ByteDance Beyond China
October 21, 2020
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Compare 2 short stories

Write a 3-5 page double-spaced essay in which you compare two short stories (Poe, Kincaid, Cisneros,  Cortazar, Borges or even “The Custodian”). You should have a very specific thesis and focus on one aspect of the stories:

Poe’s two stories have unreliable narrators who are both murderers, but the stories are differentiated by Montressor’s lack of guilt and madness, emphasizing how the two are linked in Poe’s eyes.

Tell-Tale Heart employs the traditional gothic and House Taken Over a lighter tale of magical rabbits — though both paths lead to madness in metaphors that contrast the power of both guilt and creation.

“The Custodian” and “Barbie-Q” are both monologues in which a narrator, not highly self-aware, communicates society’s judgement, with the audience’s enjoyment coming from the dramatic irony.

Secondary sources allowed but not required. If you’re only quoting the short stories, you don’t need to cite them.

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