Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 14, 2020
writing a literary analysis on the book hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world by haruki murakami
October 14, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

he purpose of this discussion is to start thinking about vaccines for the coronavirus and tap into our scientific thinking to decide what kinds of evidence would convince us that a vaccine is safe and effective and should be utilized by the majority of the human population.


Answer the question: What kinds of evidence be important for the scientific community to present in order to convince the general public that a vaccine is both safe and effective at preventing disease?
Identify at least 2 major questions you have about coronavirus vaccines at this moment; these should be things you are curious about with regards to how they work, the process of development, implementation, or anything related. The goal here is to activate your curiosity and start to see what other questions your classmates have that we may be able to answer in this unit.

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