The Green New Deal is not ethical for people or the economy
October 11, 2020
Human Resources Management
October 11, 2020
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Performance Problem

Selected Organization and Performance Problem
This is the first component of your course project. Use the Final Project Template document linked in the Resources area and include the following elements (adapted from Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger (2012):

1)  A brief introduction to describe this assignment’s purpose and content.

2)  A specific performance issue to be addressed (remember that performance is about results, not behaviors). For example, a sample performance issue or problem might read: “Phone sales reps are not meeting sales quota,” is focused on results. On the other hand, “sales rep teams are not communicating with each other,” is focused on behaviors.

3)  A work environment description, including a pseudo name for the organization and a list of the type of products or services that it offers. Describe the overall culture and provide a snapshot of the area where the performance issue exists (unit or department purpose and processes, including inputs and outputs and any major factors that may have an impact on performance).

4)  Descriptions of the performers/sponsors, describing the overall role/job of target audience for improvement; current performance results; and expected results. Also identify the leadership individual(s) who are committed to the performance improvement and who would champion the implementation.

5)  The expected benefit from performance improvement for the organization and the performer

Van Tiem, D. M., Moseley, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of performance improvement: Optimizing results through people, process, and organizations (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.
NOTE: Integrate course readings to support HPI-related points and to strengthen the narrative.

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