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October 8, 2020
MN577 W8 – Case Study 3-Katie
October 8, 2020
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Compare and Contrast Essay

In MLA format, write an essay comparing and contrasting two of the poems. Compare and contrast essays are a bit different than regular literary analysis essays in that they critically discuss the similarities and differences of two texts, then synthesize meaning out of the differences. (This strategy essentially follows the process of what we in the humanities call thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.)

Remember to include your topic sentence and your thesis statement near the beginning of your essay and provide ample support for your assertions. Also be sure to properly reference your quotations and sources, and to include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. You should quote from each poem at least once (but probably no more than twice each).

Compare and contrast the use of the snake imagery in Newloves The Double-Headed Snake, and D.H. Lawrence’s Snake, by specifically focusing on the differences in the connotations and symbolism of the snake. Connotations are cultural associations we ascribe to words. Snakes are usually associated with Satanic imagery and allusion, but what about when the image of the snake does not come from a traditionally Western source, such as the Sisitul in “Double-Headed Snake? These two texts discuss the imagery of the snake, do so in different ways, but possibly discuss the same issue. What is the significance of the different ways in which these two texts discuss the same issue ?

–For this assignment you should quote from the poem at least once, and the quotation must conform to MLA standards: the quotation should be properly introduced and grammatically correct with proper documentation in a Works Cited page at the end of the essay. If you choose to use secondary material, it must be quoted properly with proper documentation.

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