The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on Adolescent Brain Development
October 7, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 7, 2020
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sensation, perception, and learning

Answer the following questions in paragraph form with lots of detail from the text included. 1.Provide a real-life example that explains the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination ( do not use examples provided in your online text)
2.Apply real-life example using reinforcement schedules (use original examples, do not use examples included in the text)
3.Describe the basic functions of the vestibular, proprioceptive, and kinesthetic sensory systems
While you are required to use your textbook as a resource, be careful not to simply cut, copy and paste responses from the text. I fully understand and EXPECT you to use some of the same words to explain concepts. You will not receive credit for copying content from the text (or any other source). You must demonstrate understanding by writing essays in your own words. If you quote or copy you risk not receiving credit for the entire response. If you use another person’s work, word for word, it is considered “plagiarism”.

Submit a typed Word document with your responses. You can access Office 365 for free as a Vol State Student.
Include your name on the document and number each response to match the original topic number.
Your answers need to be written in complete sentences.
Be careful to attend to the details of each topic.
Be careful with being brief. Being too brief will quickly discount your grade. Simply… brief is not good on essay assignments, explain in detail.
Do not search the internet (googling or binging) and attempt to copy responses. The topics are specifically designed to be answered by the online text.
Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism using a tool called Turnitin. For more information about how to read a Turnitin Similarity report, refer to this Knowledge Base Article: Turnitin: How to Submit an Assignment

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