Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 7, 2020
Which counts moretaking a stand or winning?
October 7, 2020
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Program Critique

Select a major public health problem facing this nation. Locate and attend a health education program at a medical, community, workplace or school setting that is designed to address this problem.  Provide a 3 to 4 page analysis/critique of the selected intervention.

Please include the following information in the paper:

*Observe the health program you selected and give its name, location and date of observation.
*Give a brief summary of the program (one to two paragraphs).
*Discuss the observed intervention in regard to program methods/activities, behavioral change theories used in developing the intervention, the facilitators strengths and weaknesses and evaluation/data collection techniques.
*Interview the facilitator to gather more information.
Reread the text and research the problem and HPP further to support your analysis/critique.

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