Cathedral By Raymond Carve; 1.Examine and discuss the significance of using a cathedral to Carvers short story of the same name. (Is there religious significance? Could it be exchanged with any other
October 6, 2020
October 6, 2020
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the son from America

Read the following short story titled the son from America. Choose a character from the son from America who learned an important or interesting lesson about life that you can relate to in some way. Write a 250-300 word essay describing the lesson and how it impacted the specific character. Then describe how you relate to that character and lesson he or she learned.
Be sure to:
1. Mention the title of the story and the author in the introduction (punctuation correctly)
2.give adequate support
3. Avoid weak word ( things, stuff, a lot, nice, good ,you)
4. Give it a clever title

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