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Online scavenger hunt

Online Scavenger Hunt (20 points) answer all of this and follow directions for full credit
Pick a publicly traded retailer. Provide the following information on each bullet for full credit:
Who is your retailer and what type of retailer is it department store, category killer, etc.
Does your retailer also conduct business in brick and mortar stores? If so, how many stores do they have?
Who is the CEO and what makes this person equipped to run the company? Not just a bio please. Interpret!
Develop a SWOT analysis about the company (display a table). Below the table, discuss the bullets within
each segment of the analysis and why you considered them as part of your SWOT. I know places where
you can find this already completed, so providing that alone is plagiarizing. Include it if you agree but think
beyond what is already available. You have a giant brain, right? Use it and be creative here! Support your
ideas. Ill be looking for this.
Other than Amazon, who are the main competitors (name three)? Discuss why your retailer should be
concerned about each of these.
Within the last 60 days, find the most recent article about your company in periodicals like the WSJ, the
NYT or comparable resources. Provide the link and give a brief overview of the subject matter.
Provide references for all information. If I cant find your referenced info, no credit.

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