Kent v. United States, In re Gault, and In re Winship
October 4, 2020
Part III of Born a Crime
October 4, 2020
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1) Who is your favorite actor (of any gender)? What do you admire about their performances? Research their acting approach. Would you consider their approach to be more internal or external? Or a mixture of both? Explain and include your source. ( Don’t worry about citation format, just include enough so that others can see where you got your information. For example, a website is sufficient.)

The discussion forum is a place for us to get to know each other and share our thoughts as a class. You are expected to contribute to every discussion, writing at least a paragraph.  I consider a paragraph to be about five sentences in length. You are encouraged to respond to and like each others posts.

My favorite actors or actresses is Charlize Theron, Dwayne Johnson, Milla Jovovich, Henry Cavill, and Millie Bobby Brown.

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