Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 3, 2020
Community Action Plan Outline
October 3, 2020
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This is your childs brain on reading

Your purpose will be to critique the strengths and weaknesses of the articles writing. Here you will look not only at what the article provides in terms of facts, data, and viewpoint, but also in terms of what makes a credible and persuasive article.

When I have read your paper, I should be able to see that you have read the article carefully, but I should not be able to tell what your own opinion of the topic (of reading) itself is until the last paragraph (if at all).

Expected length and format:  Essays should run approximately 600 words; the final draft must be typed in 12 point font Times New Roman and be double-spaced with one inch margins on all sides. Use MLA headers.

Features of article critique include:

a clear thesis with the overall strengths and/or weaknesses of the articles writing
specific references to the article you are writing about (This means directly quoting important sentences or paraphrasing particular sections, but not mere summary.)
make sure you stay focused on critique/evaluation/analysis and do not just summarize the article
evaluation should be about how well the author does/does not advance the articles claim (your essay should not be about the topic of the article)

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