Biblical intergration
October 3, 2020
Leadership Project 2
October 3, 2020
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Use the embedded resources below to prepare yourself and acclimate to the parameters of this assignment. You will be either planning or spontaneously performing these acts, as part of Hanson’s “HAVE” component of his acronym. It is important to be prepared, and not to go too far off. Use the embedded resources to choose a good activity. If you want to plan something bigger, or different – please text, call, or email your instructor for approval. Identify your Hypothesis: What will I personally experience if I perform this act? Will I be able to alter my Negativity Bias?

Write a Self-Reflection 3 page maximum – Double Spaced (12 point, Times New Roman font), that includes:

A). A brief (1 paragraph) summary for each Random Act of Kindness you performed, why you chose them, and what the outcome of that act was (note: sometimes you won’t know, and it is ok to write that you don’t). Describe your Hypothesis of how you thought these acts might impact you physically and emotionally.

B). A brief (1 paragraph) summary of your physical, and emotional experiences before, during, and after each of these acts.

C). A brief 2-3 paragraph Self-Reflection about your interpretation of your experiences, and whether you were able to alter your brain’s Negativity Bias (how did you do and why?).

D). Based on your findings, answer the question: Is kindness a social norm? Discuss.

E). How are the negativity bias and kindness are related in this experiment (2-3 paragraphs).

Element 4: Relate your self-reflection to the information provided in your text (source 1) and at least 1 outside academic / scientific source (journal article, book, .gov, .edu, or .org website)

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